Monday, November 15, 2010

Visiting The Roomies!

Hayley Olsen Smith and Katie Riddle Richards were my roommates at Ricks College (BYU Idaho now) 19 years ago!!! I hadn't seen Katie in 9 years and Hayley in 16 years! Katie was traveling through on vacation, so Hayley decided it would be great for us to get together at her house in Heber City, since this would be a great opportunity with the three of us in Utah at the same time. We feel sad that Melissa Gadberry Schmeider, our other close friend and roommate, couldn't join in on the reunion. We got together the second weekend of October 2010 for one evening, to accomodate Katie's travel schedule.

We were so happy to see each other that we shed some tears! We had a great time having dinner and caught up on old times. We laughed and giggled until almost midnight, the kiddos bouncing off the ceiling. (Yes, we are bad parents, but Katie had to leave for the airport at 4 am for her flight back to North Carolina, so we had a hard time leaving each other.) The husbands were amazed at how many stories and crazy times we had back then. They were amused by our laughter, I think! Sarah got along perfectly with Hayley's three girls. Sarah and Linzey were SO cute together and were "best friends" before the night was over. Linzey is just a couple of months older than Sarah. We look forward to getting together with them again for a playdate when the moms can fit it in to our busy schedules and travel the 50 minutes to each other.

National Radio Astronomy Observatory- Very Large Array

We took a detour to Soccoro, NM, on our drive to Utah. This was quite a detour. It took us about an hour off of the freeway to drive to the VLA in the middle of nowhere! Truly, it was the middle of nowhere! It has to be, of course. Matt was in heaven and nearly bought the whole store of its souvenirs! We will never go back there and will never be in the gift shop again, so we splurged and each got a T-shirt and Matt got a hat and a science toy for Sarah. If you aren't familiar with the VLA, you will be when I say "Jodie Foster had a scene here in the movie 'Contact', based on Carl Sagan's book."

Southern Utah Drive

This is Wilson's Arch in Southern Utah. When we were driving from NM to UT, we couldn't believe how beautiful our drive was! Amazing! It was gorgeous all the way up from the mesas of NM, to the red rock/arches/formations of Southern UT. We just had to stop for this photo, even if we were just passing through. We will be making a trip down south to see the Nat'l Parks someday, now that we live in Utah. Driving through was not enough!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Sarah was a ghost for Halloween this year. She said she had to be a scary ghost and not a happy or friendly ghost. She has wanted to be a ghost since about November 1 of 2009! She reminded us off and on throughout 2010. We went to our new ward's Halloween Party with Grandpa and Grandma, at the church, and bagged going out to trick or treat later, as it was raining and blustery cold. Sarah was content with her bucket of candy being half full and was tired of wearing the top half of her costume by the end of the party anyway.