Monday, April 19, 2010

Going Back To The Nor'Easter

This is very late in coming, but I wanted to post some of the photos from the flooding during the Nor'Easter we had in late November and from the dead sump pump in December. I don't want to dwell too much on what happened here, I just wanted you to see our basement. I was looking through our photos, found them, and realized I hadn't shared these with anyone. Oh, and a side note here, we just learned that our house is only 7 feet above sea level! No wonder our sump pump works so much! The new sump pump has been working perfectly since the last one went out and flooded our basement again. Our biggest loss came in the form of yearbooks and Matt's certificates and awards being destroyed. These photos are actually taken after our sump pump died. The Nor'Easter was nothing compared to the water that collected for at least a week with a dead sump pump. The only reason I happened upon the flooding, since we never go in the basement unless it is to get something that is stored, is that I was going down the first week of December to get the Christmas decorations. We had no idea the basement was flooding right under our feet. Nor, did we realize we weren't hearing the sump pump working/on and off. It was blissful ignorance! It is all finished and done and that's all that matters now. Thank heavens our living area was not affected.